Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Art:
Representations: Art: - Centuries: 12th Century, 13th Century, 14th Century, 15th Century General I. Author Index [Info] Easton, Martha. »Saint Agatha and the Sanctification of Sexual Violence.« Studies in Iconography 16 (1994): 83-118. [Info] Kaske, R.E. »Amnon and Thamar on a misericord in Hereford Cathedral.« Traditio 45 (1990): 1-6. [Info] Künzel, Christine. »»So soll sie laufen mit gesträubtem Haare...«. Zur Bedeutung der Auflösung der Frisur im Kontext der Darstellung sexueller Gewalt.« Haar tragen: Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherung. Edited by Christian Janecke. Cologne 2004: 121-138. [Info] Wolfthal, Diane. »"A hue and a cry". Medieval rape imagery and its transformation.« Art bulletin 75 (1993): 39-64. II. Speaker Index - High Middle Ages I. Author Index [Info] Lewis, Suzanne. »Images of opening, penetration, and closure in the "Roman de la Rose".« Word & image 8 (1992): 215-242. II. Speaker Index - Late Middle Ages I. Author Index [Info] Even, Yael. »he Emergence of Sexual Violence in Quattrocento Florentine Art.« Fifteenth-Century Studies 27 (2001): 113-128. [Info] Lambert, Tonya M. Raping Lucretia. Rape in the law, literature and art of Renaissance Europe. M.A. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2001. [Info] Musacchio, Jacqueline. »The rape of the Sabine women on Quattrocento marriage-panels.« Marriage in Italy, 1300-1650. Edited by Trevor Dean et al. Cambridge 1998: 66-82. [Info] Wofford, Susanne. »The social aesthetics of rape. Closural violence in Boccaccio and Botticelli.« Creative imitation. New essays on Renaissance literature in honor of Thomas M. Greene. Edited by David Quint et al. Binghamton 1992: 189-238. II. Speaker Index - |